Diakronika http://diakronika.ppj.unp.ac.id/index.php/diakronika <h3 style="text-align: center;">DIAKRONIKA</h3> <p><img style="float: left;" src="/public/site/images/admin/Desain_20219.png"></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">&nbsp;<strong>Diakronika</strong> ISSN :&nbsp;<a href="http://issn.pdii.lipi.go.id/issn.cgi?daftar&amp;1180430529&amp;1&amp;&amp;">1411-1764</a>&nbsp;(Print), ISSN :&nbsp;<a href="http://issn.pdii.lipi.go.id/issn.cgi?daftar&amp;1522400618&amp;1&amp;&amp;">2620-9446</a>&nbsp;(Electronic)&nbsp;publishes scientific studies and results of research on historical and historical education that contributes to understanding, developing scientific theories and concepts, and their application to education and history in Indonesia, published by Jurusan Sejarah, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Negeri Padang. The focus of publishing articles in Diakronika is the result of scientific studies in the fields of history and history education. Diakronika scopes include studies of Indonesian history and world history, and educational studies in the form of strategies, media, learning models, as well as evaluations (assessment / assessment) in historical learning).</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Diakronika accepts and contains articles that focus on the results of scientific studies and the results of research on history and education (learning) history. The results of the study contribute to the understanding, development of scientific theories and concepts, and their application in education and history in Indonesia and the world. Diakronika scales include studies of Indonesian history and world history, and educational studies in the form of subject matter, strategies, media, learning models, as well as historical learning evaluations.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">&nbsp;<strong>------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</strong></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><br><br></p> Universitas Negeri Padang en-US Diakronika 1411-1764 Utilization Of Hoogere Kweekschool (HKS) Purworejo Cultural Heritage as Strengthening Students' Pancasila Dimensional Profile in History Learning http://diakronika.ppj.unp.ac.id/index.php/diakronika/article/view/326 <p>This study aims to determine the potential utilization of cultural heritage in SMA Negeri 7 Purworejo, strengthening the six dimensions of the Pancasila Student Profile. This research uses a qualitative approach and a type of field study research. Data was obtained through observation, interviews and literature studies. This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 7 Purworejo, the Ex Hoogere Kweekschool (HKS) Purworejo. The investigation results show that the utilization of the former HKS Purworejo building can be a medium to strengthen the six dimensions of the Pancasila Student Profile because it contains harmonious historical values and moral messages regarding the matters contained in Pancasila. The selection of learning resources around the student's environment provides real experience in delivering historical material, so students have a sociocultural and emotional connection with the material presented. It can also enrich local history learning resources in Purworejo Regency<strong>.</strong></p> Christophorus Putro Damaringtyas Ranita nazara Aman Aman ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 24 1 1 10 10.24036/diakronika/vol24-iss1/326 Political Discourse of Indonesian Raya Daily Newspaper in Indonesian Political Public Space 1955-1957 http://diakronika.ppj.unp.ac.id/index.php/diakronika/article/view/377 <p>This research aims to examine the democratization process carried out by Indonesia Raya Newspaper through the political discourse raised and its role as a political public space in 1955-1957. The research method used is the historical method, which consists of 5 stages, namely topic selection, heuristics, verification, interpretation, and historiography. This research is supported by the theoretical framework of political public space to examine the role of Indonesia Raya Newspaper in raising political discourse and its function as a political public space. The results of this study show that (1) Indonesia Raya Newspaper practices personal journalism in its journalistic work so that the characteristics of the political discourse contained in its news are in line with the characteristics of its leader, Mochtar Lubis. (2) The role of Indonesia Raya Newspaper as a political public space is carried out by loading political discourse containing criticism of the government and politicians related to the social, political, and economic life of the community, which is published in the political section of Tajuk Rencana. (3) The process of forming political discourse is carried out using the investigative journalism method so that relevant topics are obtained. Topics found, such as indications of fraud in the 1955 elections and the controversy over the implementation of the KAA, were raised to become political discourses that affected the dynamics of Indonesian national politics at that time. Indonesia Raya Newspaper was able to play a role in Indonesia's democratization process by raising political discourse and providing political public space.</p> Cornelius Bayu Astana Rhoma Dwi Aria Yuliantri ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 24 1 11 24 10.24036/diakronika/vol24-iss1/377 Character Education Through Example Values K.H. Mas Mansur in Learning History http://diakronika.ppj.unp.ac.id/index.php/diakronika/article/view/400 <p>Character education refers to school efforts to shape, guide, and develop student behavior according to specific standards. This research aims to analyze the biography and example of KH Mas Mansur and the cultivation of character education through the exemplary values of K.H. Mas Mansur in learning history in class XI IPS 1 MAN 1 Darussalam Ciamis. This research uses a qualitative research method and a case study design. The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and documentation. The research results show that (1) K.H. Mas Mansur was born in Surabaya on June 25, 1896. He is known as a young man who is diligent and trustworthy, always speaks well, and has extensive knowledge. K.H. Mas Mansur has been a leader in many institutions, such as Chairman of the Surabaya Branch of Muhammadiyah for two terms and Chairman of the Tarjih Council. (2) The exemplary values of K.H. Mas Mansur, which can be applied in history learning in class XI IPS 1 MAN 1 Darussalam Ciamis, namely religious values, discipline, curiosity, nationalism, patriotism, respect for achievement, friendly and communication, like to read, and a sense of responsibility, (3) Instilling character education through the exemplary values of K.H. Mas Mansur has been successfully implemented quite well and has had a positive impact on history learning in class XI IPS 1 starting from planning, implementation, to the evaluation stage.</p> Siti Raodatul Janah Sri Pajriah Aan Suryana Dede Wahyu Firdaus ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 24 1 25 37 10.24036/diakronika/vol24-iss1/400 Bataviaasch Genootschap Van Wetenschappen and the Institutionalization of Science in the Dutch East Indies 1778-1942 http://diakronika.ppj.unp.ac.id/index.php/diakronika/article/view/415 <p>The background of this research is that Science in Indonesia develops through institutions, not ideas, people, or instruments. This research aims to describe the institutionalization of scientific institutions in the Dutch East Indies. The historical method analyzes various resources to aid the reconstruction of the Dutch East Indies’s science institutionalization process. This research uses archives from ANRI (National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia) regarding Bataviaasch Genootschap van Wetenschappen (The Batavia Society of Arts and Science). Archives from other scientific institutions, such as Bogor and Cibodas Botanical Gardens, are also used to illustrate the institutionalization process. The findings of this research include studies on the process and the necessity to pay attention to elements such as rules, norms, cultural benefits, roles, and material resources. Institutionalizing science and technology in the Dutch East Indies underwent at least three stages: the emergence of amateur scientists from Europe, the efforts to build scientific groups, and the establishment of science institutions. This research concludes that the first two stages were outside the bureaucratic channels of the colonial government. However, in the third stage, scientists needed help to escape the role of the colonial bureaucracy in developing these scientific institutions. Bataviaasch Genootschap van Wetenschappen, founded in 1778, was a private organization studying commerce, agriculture, and humanities. It played a significant role in encouraging various other research institutions</p> Ayi Budi Santosa Abdurakhman Abdurakhman Yeni Kurniawati Wildan Insan Fauzi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 24 1 38 50 10.24036/diakronika/vol24-iss1/415 Death Kongsi and the Survival of Chinese Death Processions in Padang City http://diakronika.ppj.unp.ac.id/index.php/diakronika/article/view/391 <p>This article explains how the ethnic Chinese of Padang maintain the continuity of the death procession in Chinese culture. This article uses a historical approach by utilizing sources in the form of Dutch period documents, organizational documents of <em>Himpunan Tjinta Teman</em> (HTT) and <em>Himpunan Bersatu Teguh</em> (HBT), newspaper news and literature studies on the death processions of ethnic Chinese in Indonesia and outside Indonesia, as well as observations and interviews with HBT and HTT funeral administrators. These sources are used to find facts related to the death processions carried out by ethnic Chinese and the existence of HBT and HTT as institutions organizing Padang Chinese funeral processions. Furthermore, the existing facts are analyzed using historical and ethnographic approaches. The findings of the article show that the ethnic Chinese of Padang still carry out and preserve the implementation of the Chinese cultural death procession in an organizational forum. In this case, the organization's function as the organizer of the death procession for Padang Chinese is the key to the survival and existence of the organization itself. Various Chinese cultures preserved and inherited in the HTT and HBT organizations, including the culture of death, are essential in forming self- and collective identity and solidarity of Chinese community groups in the city of Padang.</p> Erniwati Erniwati Yelda Syafrina Adri Febrianto Retnaningtyas Susanti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 24 1 51 61 10.24036/diakronika/vol24-iss1/391 Treatment of Colonial Mine Labourers at Mijnbouw Maatschappij Redjang Lebong (1928-1936) http://diakronika.ppj.unp.ac.id/index.php/diakronika/article/view/426 <p>This study highlights labour dynamics and socio-economic conditions at the Mijnbouw Maatschappij Redjang-Lebong (MMRL) gold mine in the late 1920s to 1930s. This research aims to analyze the treatment of labourers in the most significant gold and silver mining in the Dutch East Indies, MMRL. The method used in this research is the historical method with the research steps of heuristics, source criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The result shows fluctuations in the number of labourers and budget allocations for labour wages, explosives and other necessities from 1928 to 1936. Daily labourers significantly declined from 979 in December 1929 to 744 in December 1930. Differences in payment systems and benefits for contract, casual, and day labourers are also described, reflecting variations in wages and health facilities received. Occupational injuries and work-related illnesses were a common problem, with many labourers sustaining severe injuries as a result of the mine’s non-stop operations. MMRL provides medical facilities and implements health measures, but there remains a high risk of respiratory illness and other injuries. The excellent relationship between company owner H.J.A. Sanders and the labourers is also an essential factor in the social life of the labourers</p> Vina Anjelina Nur Aini Setiawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-07-08 2024-07-08 24 1 62 77 10.24036/diakronika/vol24-iss1/426